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Title: ผลกระทบของประเภทของผู้ให้ความเชื่อมั่นในข้อมูลที่ไม่ใช่ข้อมูลทางการเงินต่อการตัดสินใจของนักลงทุน
Other Titles: Impact of non-financial information assurer types on investor judgments
Authors: สุดารัตน์ อาพันธ์
Authors: เอื้อบุญ เอกะสิงห์
สุดารัตน์ อาพันธ์
Issue Date: 2564
Publisher: เชียงใหม่ : บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
Abstract: This study aimed to examine impacts of non-financial information assurer types on investor judgments. Questionnaires were used as a tool to collect data. Samples of this study were identified to 90 graduate students of the master's degree in Business Administration and Accounting program and the 4" year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Administration, Chiang Mai University. These samples processed adequate knowledge on accounting and finances; completed the required courses on accounting and financial statement and investment analyses and were considered as qualified persons with investment knowledge who were able to be the representative of general investors. This quasi-experimental research employed 3x 1 mixed design method. In this study, the non-financial information assurer types were classified into 3 conditions: Condition 1 - Big 4 Assurer; Condition 2 - Non-Big 4 Assurer and Condition 3 -Specialist Consultant. Investor judgments were measured by investment intention and confidence ininformationprovidedinthereport.tsreserved According to the One-Way ANOVA, which was applied to analyze differences of the mean values for investment intention and confidence in information provided in the report as obtained from the 3 conditions, the findings were demonstrated as follows. Regarding the analysis on investor judgment as measured by investment intention, overall opinions of the respondents on investment intention were indifferently observed at statistical significance. Regarding the analysis on confidence in information provided in the report, overall opinions of the respondents towards this regard were differently observed at statistical significance. Regarding the confidence in the disclosure on corporate sustainability reports, the respondents were confident in the disclosure on corporate sustainability reports of the Big 4 Assurer more than the disclosure of the Specialist Consultant and were confident in the disclosure of Big 4 Assurer more than the disclosure of the Non-Big 4 Assurer. Regarding the reliability of assurers on corporate sustainability reports, the respondents rated the reliability of corporate sustainability reports as provided by the Big 4 Assurer at higher level than those as provided by the Non-Big 4 Assurer; while rated the reliability of corporate sustainability reports as provided by the Specialist Consultant at higher level than those as provided by the Non-Big 4 Assurer. Regarding the confidence in information disclosure in corporate sustainability reports, the respondents rated their confidence in information disclosure in corporate sustainability reports as conducted by the Big 4 Assurer at higher level than those as conducted by the Specialist Consultant; while rated their confidence in information disclosure in corporate sustainability reports as conducted by the Big 4 Assurer at the higher level than those as conducted by the Non-Big 4 Assurer. The findings also showed that non-financial information assurer types aflected the investor judgment differently at statistical significance. The confidence in information provided in the report shall be observed at higher level than investment intention if the assurer was from the Big 4 Assurer, the Specialist Consultant and the Non-Big 4 Assurer, respectively.
Appears in Collections:BA: Independent Study (IS)

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