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dc.contributor.authorTunya Kuntaen_US
dc.description.abstractPublicly available information on experience in crop breeding from the multinational seed companies is limited. Reflections on my experience are based on handling field crop breeding and direct contacts with some distinguished plant breeders and some great people managers. By writing this article, I hope to share information on key success factors for developing and releasing new cultivars. The reflections also include other issues that can enable breeders at seed companies to have a competitive edge. The ultimate challenge for a plant breeder is releasing an elite cultivar. The key success factors for a successful crop breeding program are: (i) having a highly capable breeder with adequate technical competency; (ii) understanding the crop and the key customer requirements; (iii) having adequate genetic variability; (iv) having an elite heterotic pattern for hybrid; (v) using the most efficient breeding methodologies; (vi) selecting right breeding environments; (vii) developing an adequate and effective testing system; (viii) speeding to release new hybrids into a market, and recently (ix) having adequate information technology and DNA marker lab support. Close linkage of research and development team with commercial team will ensure breeding directions are aligned with meeting customer requirements. Key success factors for the seed business are: understanding the seed market and key customer requirements, designing right products, producing at reasonable cost, commercializing efficiently, delivering products and services, and providing customer service. Appropriate cultural practices for the new product are needed for clearly delivering superior products. The successful breeder normally gets promotion to be the manager of the research organization and may even get further promotion to an even high-ranking position. Effective delegation skills will be needed for a great people manager. Key competency behaviors for the great people manager are people, leadership and management skills, foresight and initiative, communication and candor, relationships and networks, and results orientation. © Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) 2013.en_US
dc.subjectAgricultural and Biological Sciencesen_US
dc.subjectBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biologyen_US
dc.titleReflections on 23 years of field crop breeding for multinational seed companies in tropical and sub-tropical regionsen_US
article.title.sourcetitleSabrao Journal of Breeding and Geneticsen_US
article.volume45en_US Mai Universityen_US
Appears in Collections:CMUL: Journal Articles

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