Browsing by Author Sate Sampattagul

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Showing results 10 to 24 of 24 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Jul-2021Empowering a sustainable city using self-assessment of environmental performance on ecocitopia platformRatchayuda Kongboon; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
1-Jun-2018Energy and environmental impact analysis of rice cultivation and straw management in northern ThailandSanwasan Yodkhum; Sate Sampattagul; Shabbir H. Gheewala
Nov-2021Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste management and forecasting by multivariate grey modelSate Sampattagul; Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat; Pruk Aggarangsi; Netchanakan Sununta
Jul-2022Evaluation of papaya green logistics in Yasothon municipality using screening life cycle assessment hybrid with geographic information systemSate Sampattagul; Kunlatida Yachai
May-2024Extrapolation of human health damage cost from particulate matter 2.5 exposure in Chiang Mai province using grey modelSate Sampattagul; Nivit Charoenchai; Komgrit Leksakul; Poti Chaopaisarn; Kannika Jarernwong
1-Dec-2015Field evaluation of an electrostatic PM10 mass monitor used for continuous ambient particulate air pollution measurementsArtit Yawootti; Panich Intra; Nakorn Tippayawong; Sate Sampattagul
1-Mar-2018Field evaluation of an electrostatic PM2.5 mass monitorPanich Intra; Artit Yawootti; Sate Sampattagul
10-Aug-2019GHG evaluation and mitigation planning for low carbon city case study: Dan Sai MunicipalityNetchanakan Sununta; Ratchayuda Kongboon; Sate Sampattagul
1-Jan-2022Green GDP Indicator with Application to Life Cycle of Sugar Industry in ThailandEkkaporn Nawapanan; Ratchayuda Kongboon; Sate Sampattagul
1-Apr-2022Greenhouse gas emissions inventory data acquisition and analytics for low carbon citiesRatchayuda Kongboon; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
1-Jan-2021Health Risk Map related to Particulate Matter Exposure in Chiang Mai, ThailandKannika Jarernwong; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
1-Dec-2020Life cycle assessment of maize cultivation and biomass utilization in northern ThailandTitaporn Supasri; Norihiro Itsubo; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
1-Jul-2017Life cycle GHG evaluation of organic rice production in northern ThailandSanwasan Yodkhum; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
1-Sep-2017Life cycle greenhouse gas evaluation of organic rankine cycle using refuse-derived fuel from municipal solid wasteNetchanakan Sununta; Surat Sedpho; Shabbir H. Gheewala; Sate Sampattagul
Sep-2020Redesigning of Logistics Service Using LSP Lifecycle ModelSakgasem Ramingwong; Nivit Charoenchai; Sate Sampattagul; Korrakot Yaibuathet Tippayawong; Sunida Tiwong