Browsing by Author Rattikorn Yimnirun

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Showing results 57 to 76 of 128 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2005The effects of the spinodal microstructure on the electrical properties of TiO<inf>2</inf>-SnO<inf>2</inf>ceramicsWanwilai Chaisan; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Supon Ananta; David P. Cann
1-Jun-2006Effects of uniaxial stress on dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramicsRattikorn Yimnirun; Supattra Wongsaenmai; Athipong Ngamjarurojana; Supon Ananta
1-Dec-2007Effects of vibro-milling time and calcination on phase formation and particle size of lead zirconate nanopowdersOrawan Khamman; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Yongyut Laosiritaworn; Supon Ananta
1-Jul-2009Effects of Zr/Ti ratio on dielectric and ferroelectric properties of 0.8Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3-0.2Pb(Co1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramicsAnurak Prasatkhetragarn; Muangjai Unruan; Athipong Ngamjarurojana; Yongyut Laosiritaworn; Supon Ananta; Rattikorn Yimnirun; David P. Cann
1-Aug-2017Electric field-induced strain response of lead-free Fe<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>nanoparticles-modified Bi<inf>0.5</inf>(Na<inf>0.80</inf>K<inf>0.20</inf>)<inf>0.5</inf>TiO<inf>3</inf>-0.03(Ba<inf>0.70</inf>Sr<inf>0.03</inf>)TiO<inf>3</inf>piezoelectric ceramicsPharatree Jaita; Pichitchai Butnoi; Ratabongkot Sanjoom; Chamnan Randorn; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Gobwute Rujijanagul
8-Oct-2015Electrical Properties of La-Doped Ba<inf>0.7</inf>Ca<inf>0.3</inf>TiO<inf>3</inf>Lead-Free CeramicsPanupong Jaiban; Orapim Namsar; Sukanda Jiansirisomboon; Anucha Watcharapasorn; Rattikorn Yimnirun
10-Jan-2009Electrical properties of Nb-DOPED Pb(Zr<inf>0.52</inf>Ti<inf>0.48</inf>)O<inf>3</inf>ceramicsPiyachon Ketsuwan; Yongyut Laosiritaworn; Supon Ananta; Rattikorn Yimnirun
1-Dec-2013Electromechanical coupling coefficient of 1-3 connectivity barium titanate-portland cement compositesRattiyakorn Rianyoi; Ruamporn Potong; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Ruyan Guo; Amar S. Bhalla; Arnon Chaipanich
1-Nov-2015Enhanced piezoelectric properties near the morphotropic phase boundary in lead-free (1-x)(Bi<inf>0.5</inf>K<inf>0.5</inf>)TiO<inf>3</inf>-xBi(Ni<inf>0.5</inf>Ti<inf>0.5</inf>)O<inf>3</inf>ceramicsParkpoom Jarupoom; Pharatree Jaita; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Gobwute Rujijanagul; David P. Cann
1-Dec-2010Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray diffraction studies of Mn-doped PZN-PZT ceramicsAthipong Ngamjarurojana; La Ongnuan Srisombat; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Supon Ananta
1-Jan-2013Fabrication and characterization of lead nickel niobate-lead zirconate titanate ceramics by using two-stage sintering techniqueKannika Niamsee; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Supon Ananta; Orawan Khamman
8-Feb-2010Ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr<inf>1/2</inf>Ti<inf>1/2</inf>)O <inf>3</inf>-Pb(Zn<inf>1/3</inf>Nb<inf>2/3</inf>)O<inf>3</inf> ceramics under compressive stress applied perpendicular to electric fieldMuangjai Unruan; Thanapong Sareein; Anuruk Prasatketrakarn; Athipong Ngamjarurojana; Supon Ananta; Rattikorn Yimnirun
1-Jan-2009Ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr<inf>1/2</inf>Ti<inf>1/2</inf>)O<inf>3</inf>-Pb(Zn<inf>1/3</inf>Nb<inf>2/3</inf>)O<inf>3</inf>ceramics under compressive stressRattikorn Yimnirun; Narit Triamnak; Muangjai Unruan; Athipong Ngamjarurojana; Yongyut Laosiritaworn; Supon Ananta
1-Dec-2011Finite size scaling of hysteresis behavior: Monte carlo simulation on DIFFOUR modelYongyut Laosiritaworn; Kanokwan Kanchiang; Rattikorn Yimnirun
29-Jul-2011The fourier analysis of ferromagnetic hysteresis properties in two dimensional ising modelKanokwan Kanchiang; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Supon Ananta; Yongyut Laosiritaworn
15-Aug-2010Frequency dependence of the Isinghysteresis phasediagram: Mean field analysisAtchara Punya; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Pitak Laoratanakul; Yongyut Laosiritaworn
13-Jun-2007Giant dielectric behaviour of CaCu3Ti4O12 subjected to post-sintering annealing and uniaxial stressPrasit Thongbai; Chivalrat Masingboon; Santi Maensiri; Teerapon Yamwong; Supattra Wongsaenmai; Rattikorn Yimnirun
20-Jun-2008Giant dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 (Li,Ti) -doped NiO composites subjected to postsintering annealing and compressive stressPrasit Thongbai; Santi Maensiri; Teerapon Yamwong; Rattikorn Yimnirun
1-May-2013High- and low-field dielectric responses and ferroelectric properties of (Bi<inf>0.5</inf>Na<inf>0.5</inf>)Zr<inf>1-x</inf>Ti<inf>x</inf>O<inf>3</inf>ceramicsPanupong Jaiban; Sukanda Jiansirisomboon; Anucha Watcharapasorn; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Ruyan Guo; Amar S. Bhalla
1-Jan-2012Hysteresis scaling by defined hysteron pattern in preisach modelTeerawat Monnor; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Kanokwan Kanchiang; Yongyut Laosiritaworn